For the group of 25 people we prepared small refreshments in Meder’s house in Žatec, but above all a presentation in which we introduced ARIX CZECH HOP in all aspects of its activities. For most of the brewers present and for their escorts from the embassies, the reconstructed Meder house was a pleasant change, because as it was obvious from their words, the most common thing they saw during their excursion were hop houses and hop warehouses.
Before the actual presentation, we put the brewers in the hands of an experienced Meder House tour guide, who took the expedition through the house and its history in an accelerated version. The excursion ended in the small hall on the upper floor of the house with a small refreshment prepared. There was also a demonstration of the different hop varieties and the possibilities of their processing. It was obvious from the number of questions that the brewers were interested in the presentation and that they were not new to the field.
It was obvious from the smiles and good mood of the visitors and the hosts that the meeting was a success and that the atmosphere of Meder’s house helped to introduce ARIX CZECH HOP as an important representative of hop growing in the Czech Republic.